PDT Extension group

One stop shop for all your PDT needs.

This updatesite hosts STABLE versions. The nightly updatesite available here: p2-dev.pdt-extensions.org/.


The PDT Extension group is a collaboration of various PDT extenders to provide a central platform for Eclipse PHP developers.

The PHP Extensions Core feature is the first step to provide common PDT additions in a single plugin.

Watch our github repo to stay up to date


To install one of the features hosted in this repository, simply add this URL to your eclipse updatesite mechanism.

We support Eclipse 2020-03.


If you want to add your feature to this updatesite or know a feature which should be added, simply fork the project on github or create an issue to integrate a feature.

If you're interested in contributing to the PDT Extensions Core Feature, join our mailing list or hop in to the #pdt IRC channel on freenode.

The Wiki should get you started.